Meet the Girl
Her Jolie Journey is a travel blog dedicated to helping part-time travelers make the most of their PTO and weekends. I provide detailed information and itineraries to help you find that sweet spot with work-life balance.
Hi, my name is Anissa and if you’re anything like me the desire to travel has always been there but working at least 40 hours a week with limited pto leaves little time to travel. As a wannabe globe-trotter I often found myself dreaming of leaving a full-time job to travel full-time, but ya girl likes the finer things in life and the reliability of a steady pay-check so I am beating the system and finding ways to travel through weekends, holidays and pto.
Travel has been full-on flirting with me since I went on my first major international trip in 2014 as a student in college. I was trying so hard to play hard to get that even after making the switch to a full-time job at a nonprofit I would find myself taking every paycheck and putting it towards my next trip. Since then, I have visited 25 countries and made the switch to a remote corporate job so I can make my suitcase a part of my professional wardrobe.
If you find yourself sitting at your keyboard daydreaming about weekend travels and international trips, then let this girl help ya out because how cute would it be to make travel a new normal for you?
Follow along on my Instagram account to see my travels in real-time and make sure to drop your email below to get the best and latest posts on all things travel. Looking forward to connecting with you!
Fun Facts About Me